Tag Archives: Friends

Urfahraner Jahrmarkt with Friends

Way to much to do and too little time for blogging during the last week. So here’s just a quick update on Thursday night, which I spent at the Urfahraner Jahrmarkt with some college mates. For those of you who don’t know the Urfahraner Jahrmarkt, think of it as a small Oktoberfest, a fair with lots of amusement rides, foods, drinks …

After some rides, including the obligatory ghost train

we ended up in one of the beer halls.

It was great to see my college mates again and to hear their stories about what they have done since graduation. Hannes for instance told me about the 8000 Liter/Minute water pump that he just finished designing, which is going to be used by fire fighters. After a final location switch to the Herza’l Alm, which if you translate it literally means “alp of hearts”,

I went home, partly using the same way that I had to use on a daily basis to get from the dorm to the university during my time as an undergraduate student. Good to see that all the graffiti on the way are still subject to change!

The Making of Haraldbaumgartner.com

Being creative is about building stuff and it’s even more challenging and fun when it involves building something for an artist like Harald Baumgartner. Yesterday we finished working on his website www.haraldbaumgartner.com. His music: really great stuff, interpreted in German (or should I say Austrian?) with great guests. Here’s a video about his new album

Working on the page was a real pleasure. Of course as an engineer I always have to think about the under the hood stuff, like Joomla which is behind the page and CSS and HTML and PHP. But what also counts, probably more than anything, is the design – the way the information is presented. There was a lot of trying different photos, styles, optimizing, font chosing (no we never considered Comic Sans), which is especially fun with an artist like Harald, because he simply cares. About details as well as about the big picture.

Anyway if you like his music find out more at www.haraldbaumgartner.com, or on his facebook page

I am IEEE …

Finally I have found some time to finish the video editing. So I proudly present:

A big thank you goes to Karl Zeilhofer who did a tremendous job shooting the videos and doing some preliminary editing! Also thank you to all who stepped in front of the camera! – Great job!

Campus Radio

Today I was part of another example of how much you can do with so little. I was live and online on JKU campus radio (http://radio.oeh.jku.at). Gerhard, the host of the show I was invited to, is really doing a great job every week! So here’s a photo of Mr. The-Show-Must-Go-On

He plays a lot of really cool Austrian music and his comments on politics and what is going on all over the world are hilarious. So if you feel like it, just tune in on http://radio.oeh.jku.at every Monday night at 7 pm MESZ (=5 pm UTC).

P.S. You can also download this Mondays podcast at http://radio.oeh.jku.at. Just click on the show “Der verlorene Posten”


Today my sister had her commencement! What a cheerful day! Here’s a photo of my sister giving the commencement speech:

Congrats, she did a really good job. All in all it was a great day: great weather, lots of nice people, lots of good food.

Don’t mess with me, I’ve got a good lawyer now!

I proudly announce: my little sister finally graduated from law school on Friday! And I am sooo proud of her! She did not allow me to take photos before the final exam, but here’s a relaxed one right after the exam with her sipping champagne.

I really enjoy having her as a sister.

I mean it was not always easy and we certainly had our share of fist fighting. I think that is just how it should be between sister and brother. However I guess we both can say that we are pretty glad we have each other! And while we both work on building our own lives we there are still bonds.

So just a kind warning: Don’t mess with me, I’ve got a good lawyer now! ;)

Dancing, wine, beer – life is good!

While a lot is happening at work – for those you who do care: the 77-GHz VCO and the PLL seem to lock! – spare time is fun too! Here’s a photo of the party people before we went to the dace last  Saturday:

Thank you Markus for not letting me alone, I enjoyed your company. On Monday I joined the people of my old dorm for the annual wine tasting. The vintner was there himself to present some of his best wines! And it was good to see all these great people, its amazing how we all evolve and still stay the same somehow. I had some great conversations with Rene, Severin, Martina, Lukas, Elisa, Richard …

Tonight is a little bit more calm. Just a nice glass of wheat beer with my roomie Richard!

I do work a lot right now, but it is important to save these nice moments where you give yourself a break!

People and Stuff

A lot has happened this week, and while crap keeps piling up on one end it is worth while to become aware of the good things that just don’t stop happening on the other end. Tuesday night was engineering night, the Mechatroniker Stammtsich took place at the KHG Kellerbar, so let me introduce to you, the future of engineering!

Both pics are a little blurry, but I guess that’s because these people are so dynamic and energetic! It was the perfect occasion to grab some beer and some pizza with Kurt, David and Daniel! I just couldn’t believe it when Kurt pulled out some Snaps!!! He told me it’s important to have something at hand to warm yourself as winter approaches.

Let me tell you, these people really know how to rock! I just made one mistake, I did not stop there, but went to Wolfi’s birthday party after KHG Kellerbar. I gotta admit: I’m getting too old for that stuff, coming home at 4 am I gave my body a really hard time!

Talking about seeing good friends: This weekend was heavily music burdened. We had a lot of rehearsals with our local wind band, and one thing that I am especially happy about is that I had the chance to make some music with my best friend Birgit from Salzburg. We did some songs for the christening of one of her nephews. I just love her voice, I will never get it why she did not go into studying music!

Also meet her wonderful daughter Fiona:

I guess it’s enough now for this “people’s post”. Thank you everybody for being part of it!