So far the server was in a protected environment, but it’s time to let it see the world! This involves three things:
- Setting up the server firewall
- Configuring the dyndns stuff
- Setting up the router
Server Firewall
You only want those ports to be open that you really need. I’d recommend using ufw for configuring your firewall. In my case
sudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw allow http sudo ufw allow https sudo ufw deny proto udp to any port 137 from sudo ufw deny proto udp to any port 138 from sudo ufw deny proto tcp to any port 139 from sudo ufw deny proto tcp to any port 445 from sudo ufw deny proto tcp to any port 9000 from sudo ufw deny proto tcp to any port 5901 from sudo ufw deny to any port 3483 from sudo ufw allow proto udp to any port 137 from sudo ufw allow proto udp to any port 138 from sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 139 from sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 445 from sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 9000 from sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 5901 from sudo ufw allow to any port 3483 from
which means allowing access to SSH, HTTP and HTTPS from anywhere in the world and to the squeezebox server and the Samba server only from the local network but not from the router. Finally you need to enable the firewall:
sudo ufw enable
Dyndns Stuff
My provider gives my router a new IP (= unique address on the web) from time to time. To be able to find my router/computer from the outside world, I have to report my IP to someone who can help me find it any time.
Here is how it works: points to and I have tell what my current IP is when it has changed. It’s less complicated than it sounds
- Get an account at
- Download the latest IPdetect from
- and set it up as described in the readme file ;)
By the way if your router is running on a modified firmware such as DD-WRT, this task can also be handled by your router and configured via its web interface. Just search for Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS). Sadly DD-WRT is not an option for me as the 5 GHz support is broken for my router :(
The Router
First I had to tell my router that my server should always get the same local IP based on its MAC address.
And secondly ports 22, 80 and 443 have to be forwarded to that local IP. Here’s a screenshot what this looks like in my case.
Now this calls for some champaign! The server is set up and online! You can take a look at some server stats at
” points to”
this was the missing link for my understanding.
now i found out on (my webspace-provider) there is a configuration menu, which is called DNS.
There i added now a new CNAME record, which points then to
thanks to Christian for the hint!